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23 May 2023 - News

Save the Children Kosova/o Empowers Educators in Promoting Healthy Nutrition for Children 0-3

Save the Children Kosova/o recognizes the critical role that educators play in shaping the lives of young children. To support their professional development and enable them to provide quality learning experiences, our organization has been working closely with partner public preschool institutions in Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD). Recently, we conducted a comprehensive training session focused on "Healthy Nutrition of Children 0-3". This training aimed to emphasize the significance of promoting healthy eating habits and maintaining a well-balanced diet for the holistic growth and development of young children.


During the training, participants delved into various aspects of healthy nutrition, including the importance of essential nutrients, the benefits of a balanced diet, and strategies for incorporating nutritious meals into children's daily routines. They explored strategies for creating a supportive environment that fosters healthy food choices, incorporating hands-on activities, and collaborating with parents and caregivers to reinforce the importance of nutrition. The content of the training was designed to be practical, evidence-based, and aligned with the specific needs of children aged 0-3.