Save the Children Kosova/o hosts representatives from Save the Children Switzerland
Save the Children Kosova/o had the pleasure of hosting representatives from Save the Children Switzerland for a field visit to its programme sites. For three days, visitors had the chance to see the programme interventions as well as meet with representatives of local and national government institutions, as well as partner organizations of Save the Children Kosova/o.
On the meeting with Head of Division for Preschool Education at MESTI, the visitors were informed on the current situation and goals for Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Kosovo and how SCiK has contributed in its development.
At the local level, they met with the Director of Municipal Education Directorate in the Municipality of Gjakova, where they discussed about the partnership between Save the Children Kosova/o and the municipal authorities in the field of #ECCD within the municipality.
Moreover, the representatives visited Save the Children Kosova/o's programme in Gjakova, Klina, and Prishtina regions by visiting the community-based ECCD centre in the villages of Skivjan, Demjan 2, and Sverke; the Centre for Social Work in Klina; and the public preschool institution in Prishtina, where they could see first-hand the services that the programme beneficiaries receive.