Save the Children Kosova/o organizes a roundtable with representatives from Municipal Directorates of Mitrovica and Skenderaj
Early childhood education sets the foundation for children to have the best start in life – said the Director of the Municipal Education Directorate of Mitrovica, Ms. Drita Kadriu.
Save the Children Kosova/o held a roundtable with representatives from Municipal Directorates of Education, Health, Social Welfare and other practitioners from the municipality of Mitrovica and Skenderaj on the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation for the provision of quality and integrated ECCD services.
Present were also the Director of the Municipal Education Directorate, Mr. Kastriot Duraku and Director of the Municipal Health and Social Welfare Directorate Ms. Rrezarta Hasani Ibrahimi who expressed their gratitude for the establishment of the first ECCD centre in Skenderaj.