Save the Children Kosova/o organizes sessions for the "Guide on best practices for inclusive education"
During previous month, Save the Children Kosova/o has organized sessions with schools for the "Guide on best practices for inclusive education" which was developed to serve the need for the expansion of inclusive education models as well as the documentation of the work done from SCiK until now. 7 sessions were organized with schools in 14 municipalities throughout Kosovo. Nearly 360 participants from 11 schools took part in the round of informative sessions. Each session addressed issues documented in the guide, such as:
- Legislation regulating inclusive education in Kosovo;
- Municipal evaluation teams;
- Pedagogical documents such as the Individual Educational Plan and Index for Inclusion;
- Support services and mechanisms at school level (comprehensive support teacher, personal assistant, etc.);
- Models of inclusive schools in Kosovo.
In these sessions, participants had the opportunity to discuss and share their experiences, thus learning more about the issues they face every day.